Desperate for Hay for 403 Horses

We urgently need your help!

Help! All of our in person fundraisers have been canceled due to the Coronavirus and we desperately need a truckload of hay to feed the 403 rescued horses we care for!

We've always counted on our in person fundraisers to get the money we need to feed our rescues. It is a frightening time when there is no money coming in and no end in sight.

These horses can only be fed through your help and we would incredibly grateful.

Please help save our horses!

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Standardbred Retirement

About the Organization

The Standardbred Retirement Foundation, SRF/ is an award-winning 501c3 non-profit since 1989. It rehabs and adopts out horses, maintains 200 retirees, and 403 horses, follows up on every horse for life.

42 Arneytown-Hornerstown Rd,
Cream Ridge, NJ 08514

EIN: 52-0325043




  • Update

    This morning, as we drove up to the farm very early to feed, the horses raced to the gates whinnying, kicking and bucking. That is always is a beautiful sight and it lifts us up, but stocking the hayracks later today will top that picture by miles!

    An eighteen-wheeler is coming to replace the empty hay trailer withone stocked withsweet timothy and grass hay (you can see it in the background of the photo, Sterns Hay).

    So many of these horses were tagged to ship for slaughter and came to us emaciated, hungry for a meal. These are the ones we worry about most.

    From them in particular, we all say thank you so very much.We are so grateful for your generosity and kindness.

    Once it is safe, please come visitfor a personal thank you of sloppy kisses from the herd.

    Sincerely, Judith Bokman

    Standardbred Retirement Foundation

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